Autobiography of a yogi kannada pdf

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“The modest 100-pound example of piety emanated physical, mental, and profound health. The consequence is wondrous, and significantly moving.” On gathering Gandhi Yogananda observed…. Yogananda narratives his life’s adventure and his numerous experiences with otherworldly illuminators, for example, Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Therese Neumann, and a lot of people more. It subtle elements the life of Paramahansa Yogananda – one of India’s Spiritual guru’s, who is regularly alluded to especially in the West as, the Father of Yoga. This book is the first version initially distributed in 1946. Life account of a Yogi is one of the twentieth century’s best-adored otherworldly classics. It incorporates Yogananda’s and Sri Yukteswar’s endeavors to clarify certain verses and occasions of the Bible, for example, the Garden of Eden story, and portrayals of Yogananda’s experiences with Therese Neumann, Mohandas Gandhi, and Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This biography of Yogananda was instrumental in acquainting reflection and yoga with the West.